I like anime.
Some of it is freaking hilaious, and some is just stupid. It has its up and downs, and I only watch a few series. Besides, I ain't some complete freak with no life, and that is tethered to the computer.
I am going to share with you all, my favorite moments that were caught on camera over friday and saturday.
This is my Favorite Picture

Other than being all "wtf is going on here" I think I'll tell you.
Sara and I went on saturday as Italy and Germany from Hetalia.
Yes, the countries.
Hetalia is webcomic done by a japanese guy living in New York. It is the funiest thing ever. EVER. It has been my life for the past month, and is the reason why I suddenly know way to much about WWII.
Who woulda though history could sound so dumb and romantic?
Anyways. The person we are hugging is an America cosplayer. MY FAVORITE CHARACTER. We both are dumb, egotistical idiots.
And Russia is in the background with the sunflower.

And here the two of us are.
Truly amazing.
Germany kept Italy on a leash, becuase Italy would wander away. It also helped with the crowds.
See the stern Nazi smile?
Germany isn't really a Nazi. He's just kind of a softy. All he needs is a hug from Italy.
And yes, that is my surrender flag

The group.
Of people I did not know.
Honestly, we weren't even expecting to see another hetalia cosplayer at all.
Let alone Two americas, a Russia, a Canada and a Hungary.
Look at Ghetto germany. XD
And America does not appreciate America getting that close.

In one of the extra stories, Germany propes to Italy. Yes, I don't think this had any historical revelance at all. Unless Germany thought at one time Italy and Germany should unite into one country at one time...
And America A had to pose infront of the camera people, and America 1 jumped in the back.

Back in the past...
Saturday morning we heard that there was an America cosplayer walking around, and that just made us both VERY happy.
WE SPENT ALL DAY LOOKING FOR HER. We ran into Russia again and took a few pictures with her... But after all our searching, we never found this Alfred. F. Jones. Everytime someone would come up to us and ask "do you know the America cosplayer?" we would shake our heads in sadness, letting them know of our long quest of finding America.
Then we had a brilliant idea!
The best way to find someone, is to make a sign!
and that such sign can be seen here! --------------->
It actually didn't take too long to find 'em after we made this.
I had one too, but these two were better. :]
Just as our hope was fading... As our legs were giving out... as it was begining to be 5 o'clock and our hearts were losing the motivation to keep going up and down those escalators...
Above us on the balcony as we went up on the escalators- I did a double take just to make sure.
There was America.
We both screamed in unison.
"AMERICA" and jumped and pointed.
This act would ought to have normally embarassed both of us in a real life situation, but amoung a community of white people wishing they were japanese with gravity defing hair...
This was considered another ordinary occurance, few even turned thier heads our way.
Our story reaches its climax here- not really much of a climax as we ran across the Artist's alley to meet them.
The italy and germany stopped, spun in a fantastic cirlce a few times, and then a Canada and Hungary came out.
We had a photoshoot, and grabbed Russia as well.
Alas, we left... thinking only of plans for next year.
Heck, my grandma offered to buy me a bomber jacket.
All I need to do now is lose them pesky 2O pounds and be ready to go as America. ;D
I have to say I like this.