About Me

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Pretty much enjoin' life right about now. I have too many hobbies than there are hours in the day for. God knows I need a blog to just type out all sorts of things for hours now too. I really like drawing. Making movies is what I hope to do for a career!


Feed Blog Number Two

No creative title here, and I sure ain't going to type as much this time.

Oh, and the annoying song you are hearing is to irritate Sara. You can skip to the next song on my playlist. [bottom of the side bar]


Japan: It isn't even cute...

[[the bird says feedtech on the side]]


Yeah, I can Just see someone walking down the street carrying a fake bird. Like, LOOK. I have a shiny bird. It is so awesome, and plastic. Yeah, it sits there. I just have to you know, carry it around.

Actual blog stuff
This is just the you know, power of the feed. It can just tell you what is popular, and what is "in". You do not even have to think about it. Soon you could be buying one of these amazing fake birds. I hope that I would never have this happen to me. Right now, I could never see myself buying a fake bird like this. As a little kid maybe, it would be fun to try and pretend to kill dinosaurs with it, right?

Which is why I can understand Violet's amusement in messing with the feed. Not only has it pretty much sentenced her to an early death, but knowing that you can be lumped into a category like everyone else... I would be a little disappointed to know that I am just like thousands of other people. I like to think I am an individual, and am starting to see how having this little computer chip can make that hard for someone to see.

Yet, not having the feed makes you not as-oh what is the word, "capable" as other people. Such as when Violet's Dad talked about not getting a job because he was unable to Mchat, and the people interviewing him were. He was at a disadvantage compared to other job seekers. It was not very fair. You have to give up a lot to have a feed. While they do not name a price, you are also losing a lot of yourself. A lot more than what you would expect. Afterall, all you really have is the internet on demand 24/7.

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