About Me

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Pretty much enjoin' life right about now. I have too many hobbies than there are hours in the day for. God knows I need a blog to just type out all sorts of things for hours now too. I really like drawing. Making movies is what I hope to do for a career!


Feed Vision

Seeing with the feed.
It can tell you what you want, and can tell you what you need to be cool.
Personally, I would think of the feed enhancing vision a little more, and bringing out certain colors you are interested in. Advertisements playing out of the side of your vision. Ones that you can't really focus on, but they are still there to annoy you.
I took this picture at the Rosedale mall just outside of borders.

This is the theme of my visual essay.
As Americans, it is well known that we use up the most of the world's resources for daily life. Especially considering our relatively small population for what it is we use up, and then do infact discard as waste.

Does anyone really need a giant pile of cash? I mean, this totally says "come on, steal from me. ENVY my good fortune"
It is nice to have money, but the way we were grown up t behave like is too strut our stuff. To show people what we have, and to most certainly show it off to others. Materialistic and consumeristic.

I am sure everyone knows just how much trash you put out a day. 4lbs per each person in the USA per day, making 28lbs a week. Times that by how many millions of people, and no wonder the world was over run with trash in Wall-E.
This picture is just a wonderful stack of pop cans. After of course they have been compacted into convenient little cubes.

Sadly, the world does not grow as we do.


  1. Awesometastical is an amazing word.

  2. Dude. I took a picture at the Rosedale mall and used it in my Visual Essay as well. :0

  3. very lovely !
    I love that tummy of that "GUY"
    Very unique.
    Thanks for the comment ashley
    are you serious maddie have 13 pairs of converse? wow ! -_-

  4. the last picture is like "OH...EMM...GEEKK."

