About Me

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Pretty much enjoin' life right about now. I have too many hobbies than there are hours in the day for. God knows I need a blog to just type out all sorts of things for hours now too. I really like drawing. Making movies is what I hope to do for a career!


Final Feed

Sad thing is that my final project is like, way lamer than the rest of what I made.
My computer is being a freaking piece of crap, so I couldn't even make something pretty and shiny for you.
It is great when it works. Sucks when it doesn't.
I'll upload a copy of my fantastic paper and post it here later.

Even better.
I totally forgot the sheet of paper on what I am supposed to make this post on in my locker at school.
So I may or may not be looking closely at Sara's fantastic blog while doing this.

Basically I have like, no magazines that I own. So a collage was not about to happen. I mean my mom has a few chocolate magazines- and my dad a couple of woodworking ones... But that isn't quite what I picture MY feed to look as.
What really sucks is that I already made my OWN feed vision in the visual essay. Go me. I just totally know everything a head of time.

So about this pencil'd piece of paper.
You've got me, holding an american flag. And It also shows my lazy-ness bey not drawing in all 51 stars. ohoho, genius.
There is pretty much everything that I like on there, music, video games, my friends and family, a television, snowboard, soccer ball, cameras, a computer and even some Pasta sauce that got onto the corner of the paper!

The one part that takes so more explaining is probably the "Facebook is my Feed" part.
Honestly, I am sure you all can figure this one out.
But have you ever noticed the "suggestions" section in the upper right corner?
It gives you things you may like. Be it friends, events, groups, people/objects you may really like.
It is like an actual internet version of the feed.
You can even chat with people on facebook, send messages, it has a calendar and all sorts of advertisements everywhere.
How perfect.

Would I ever get a feed? Even if it meant losing my skin?
Well, yeah.
Who honestly wouldn't want it? All the conveniences the feed has... I would only get it if I had it since a child.
I would prefer to have a handheld version or what not. But you never can have exactly what you want.

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