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Pretty much enjoin' life right about now. I have too many hobbies than there are hours in the day for. God knows I need a blog to just type out all sorts of things for hours now too. I really like drawing. Making movies is what I hope to do for a career!


Graphic Novel


yes. read my inferior writing to sara's. D:

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, and in a time not so long ago, there was a world conference. The 2009 world conference of course, and all the nations were there as well. They sat around a perfectly round polished wooden table, a round table was chosen so that no one nation would feel less equal to another one. Of course, that could never be the case for America.

Arriving late as usual-just so that he could watch all the heads turn around to look at him to see who it was. As if they did not already know. America strode in, heading to his seat on the direct opposite side of the room. He was his normal egotistical self, acting as though he was most certainly not the reason all of the other nations had terrible colds. He was the hero after all, and Heroes did not cause the world's economy to crash!

He grinned his hollywood smile, and sat down in his designated seat between Italy and Canada. America USED to sit between England and Switzerland, but that did not last too long after the year 2000 hit. England already could barely stand his former colony sitting next to him for extended periods of time, and it did not make him very happy to be constantly jumped over when America and Iraq would go at it every meeting. Switzerland well... He had a history of shooting anything that set foot in his territory. However, things had started to go much better since America had taken a seat between Italy and Canada four years ago. Italy had a short attention span to being with, and would usually end up bother the poor Germany sitting on his right. Canada was unbelievable patient with his super-power of a bother, and at least sitting next to America let people actually realize that America did not just clone himself. So it was all good there.

America was not being anymore irritating than what was expected. They had set the meeting to start a half an hour late to accomidate his lateness. No one told him.

He sat down and sat a little red and yellow box on the table. A very STRONG smelling red and yellow bod. It gave off a very strong smeel of something that was very greasy and very deep fried. Italy looked over curiosly while Germany seemed to be talking about something with Russia.

"Boun goirnio America! What is that?" Italy asked, watching America try to pull out of some clear plastic wrapping.

"The toy I got in my Happy Meal!" America said excitedly, shoving the toy right into Italy's face.

It was ugly. Really really ugly. Ugly enough to make Japan faint, and China to scream. Even Korea probably wouldn't even claim that he invented it first. The toy was actually from one of America's new movies "Monsters VS Aliens." Leave it to him to create something so... American.

"What does it do?" Italy said. America put it down on the finely polished wooden table. This was probably the last thing the poor table expected to be shoved down ontop of it.

America gave him a funny look, then returned to his task at hand. "You pull it back, and the it goes forward!" he answered cheerily, pulling the Cockroach-thing backwards so that the wheels began to make a chilcing sound. "You let go and..."

"It isn't doing anything America."

Italy was quite right. the little toy was not moving, and that did NOT make America very happy. Not to admit defeat so easily, her grabbed the toy again. Again the toy refused to budge.

"Stupid toy!" America said angrily after his fifth or so try. So much for being mature... "It is all because China made you, isn't it? If you were made in the USA, it would work fine!"

"Can I try?" Italy asked pleasantly. America ignored him, muttering about getting led poising from the toy next, communists and something about air polution. Italy took his whining about China as a yes. He pulled the toy back with a focused face, just as America had done.

He failed.

"SEE! ITS F'ING BROKEN! HEY CHINA!" America stood up, pointing a finger at the asian country sitting almost directly across the table from him.

Meanwhile, Italy turned to his long time friend. "Germany! Germany!" Italy siad, pulling onto the other country's sleave. "Help! Make it work!"

Germany took the toy from Italy, and simply pulled it back. He let go and it wobbled forward on its wheels past Italy on the table. He returned to his conversation with Russia.

"LOOK AT THIS PIECE OF SHI-" America was still yelling at China wehn the little Happy Meal toy continued on down the table right past him. He stopped mid one of his favorite words to slam his fist down on the table. Right on top of the little toy, like an immature kid.


So yeahhhh.
This is a freaking TRUE STORY. Or rather based on one. It was more like, me, sara and this other chick dressed as America were sitting on some carpeted floor right? And America-chick had a McDonald's toy. She couldn't get it to work, and I couldn't get it to work. But Germany-Sara totally was the only one who could. D:
But. It was too funny.


  1. I think that should actually be "after the year 2001 hit." Because we didn't go to war with Iraq until 2003.

    LOL @ them changing the time of the meeting. And Korea not claiming the toy as his own. And the "poor table." You're funnier than me.

  2. haha.
    That would make more sense.
    I'll go change that.

    Yes but you can write stuff better. D:
